The Oregon Association Chiefs of Police was founded in 1953 with the intended purpose of enhancing the professionalism of Law Enforcement in Oregon. The founding Chiefs envisioned creating an association that would promote training and information sharing to facilitate the professional growth of Chiefs of Police, command staff, supervisors, line officers and support personnel. The Oregon Association Chiefs of Police rapidly became a leader both on the state and national level in the effort to enhance the profession.

The strength of an organization is found in the membership and those who tirelessly give of themselves to better the whole. OACP is no exception. Through our dedicated members, we support safe and livable communities throughout the State of Oregon. We intend to will build on our organizational strengths to further expand our membership, our services, our visibility, our outreach, and our recruitment of new members. As we approach the upcoming year, we have identified the following significant challenges faced by our organization:

Fund Development

Cultivate new and ongoing funding sources to support our programs and services.

Education and Training

Develop and promote quality training, including professional and executive development courses.

Membership Development

Explore ways to retain and expand membership by ensuring that programs are meeting the members’ needs.

We have identified the following organizational goals and strategies to meet these challenges and provide our members with the support they need to meet the public safety needs of their communities.

Our Goals

  1. Develop and enhance services and programs to advance Oregon police professionalism.
  2. Achieve and sustain strong Association membership representation, and increase involvement by providing quality membership support and services.
  3. Develop and sustain fund raising goals that will effectively support training, resources, and services for the Association.
  4. Monitor, interpret, and impact legislative and policy issues affecting law enforcement.
  5. Conduct law enforcement exchange and dissemination of information.
  6. Maintain an effective and efficient organizational infrastructure that supports achievement of the Association goals and objectives.
  7. Develop partnerships and relationships that facilitate opportunities for law enforcement leadership at the local, state, national and international level to enhance Oregon Law Enforcement.

Within each of these goals are a series of over-arching strategies and specific, measurable objectives which contribute to its completion. This plan utilizes a four-part time frame for implementing and monitoring its objectives: on-going (those currently underway but which are of such a mission critical nature to be monitored throughout the year) and short-term (those to be implemented between May 1, 2013, and April 30, 2014). A number of these objectives, once implemented, may be continued indefinitely by the Oregon Association of Chiefs of Police.


Goal 1 – Develop and enhance services and programs to advance Oregon police professionalism.

1. Interim Executive Leadership Program

OACP will assist local jurisdictions in helping locate a fully credentialed retired Chiefs of Police and other command staff who can contract to fill a leadership gap when a Police Chief vacancy occurs.

Strategy: Ongoing recruitment and development of a pool of qualified individuals to assist jurisdictions in need. On-Going

2. Agency Review Program

Upon request of a Chief of Police, the OACP Executive Resources Committee will conduct an agency review to assist Chiefs in evaluating best practices, efficiencies and other standard operating procedures.

Strategy: Continued development of assessment and evaluation tools to best assist Chief’s in their needs. On-Going

3. Accreditation

The OACP is a strong partner with the Oregon Accreditation Alliance in providing a program that allows voluntary compliance with 100 standards that creates a State Accreditation Program for police agencies within Oregon.

Strategy 1: Continued participation on the OAA Board of Directors and the development of professional standards. On-Going

Strategy 2: Increase participation of OACP members in the Oregon Accreditation Alliance by 10%. Short-Term 2013-2014

4. Boards and Commissions

The Governor and Legislator rely on the OACP to recommend Chiefs of Police and Command Staff for various appointments to Governor Boards and Commissions. Several OACP members currently serve as Commissioners.

Strategy: Provide for continued participation in State Government through willing and effective participation and collaboration. On-Going

5. Mentoring and Leadership Development

The OACP strives to develop the next generation of leaders by mentoring and growing our command staff and “second in commands.” A special committee has been created to give greater emphasis to leadership development.

Strategy: Develop clear objectives and goals for the Second in Command Committee to ensure effective education and mentoring of future Chiefs of Police. Short-Term 2013-2014

Goal 2 – Achieve and sustain strong Association membership representation, and increase involvement by providing quality membership support and services.

1. Training

The State of Oregon has significantly cut funding for mandated supervision, management and executive level training. OACP has stepped in to fill this gap and ensure our Police Chiefs and management personnel receive the best training possible to maintain the highest standards of excellence.

Strategy: Develop clear objectives and goals for the Second in Command Committee to ensure effective education and mentoring of future Chiefs of Police. Short-Term 2013-2014

2. Governor’s Medal of Honor and Medal of Ultimate Sacrifice

The OACP was instrumental in helping create both of these prestigious awards that will recognize the heroic acts of our true American heroes and will honor the loved one of the heroes that were been left behind.

Strategy: Continue our support and participation in honoring those deserving of these prestigious awards. On-Going

3. Physical Fitness Testing

The OACP was selected as the primary source to administer the Oregon Physical Abilities Test (ORPAT), a requirement for entry level police officers to complete the basic police academy. Specially designed trailers, storing all the equipment, are strategically located throughout the state.

Strategy: Provide continued assistance to agencies for the maintenance of ORPAT equipment to facilitate the overall physical health and capabilities of police officers throughout the State. On-Going

4. Entry Level and Promotional Testing

The OACP facilitates providing agencies with testing programs that meet state mandated requirements for testing of entry level police officer and entry requirements for the basic police academy. The OACP also facilities testing for police promotional examinations.

Strategy: Continued partnership with Standard and Associates to facilitate the testing of entry level and promotional exams for member agencies. On-Going

Goal 3 – Develop and sustain fund raising goals that will effectively support training, resources, and services for the Association.

1. Super Committee:

Strategy: Evaluate progress toward objectives and the next steps for this ad-hoc committee. Short-Term 2013-2014

2. Marketing Committee:

Strategy: Evaluate and assess new partnerships and sustainable fundraising ideas that will further our ability to support the mission of the OACP. On-Going

Goal 4 – Monitor, interpret, and impact legislative and policy issues affecting law enforcement.

1. Legislative Advocacy

We work with legislators and the Governor’s Office to seek legislation that protects citizens and improves public safety. We monitor bills to identify potential legislation that would hinder law enforcement or weaken our efforts to keep our communities safe. We educate legislators, lobbyists and the public on potential impacts of bills under consideration.

Strategy: Continued support and advocacy for the safety and protection of our communities. Propose, support and oppose legislation to further our ability to keep our communities safe and further the mission of the OACP. On-Going

Goal 5 – Conduct law enforcement exchange and dissemination of information.

1. Resource for Chiefs

The OACP continues to become a strong resource for Police Chiefs and Command Staff by providing expertise and materials in a wide range of topics. New chiefs are given a Police Chief Desk Reference- full of information to help new (and old) Police Chiefs.

  • Labor Committee
  • Shared contract/labor negotiations information
  • Read This newsletter
  • Weekly online newsletter
  • Dress Uniform and Ceremony Committee
  • Multiple topic-specific emails

Strategy: Continued support and development of resources to provide a strong resource for Police Chiefs and Command Staff. On-Going

Goal 6 – Maintain an effective and efficient organizational infrastructure that supports achievement of the Association goals and objectives.

1. Executive Committee

Strategy 1: Promote a collaborative and productive working environment for the executive committee to fully support the mission, goals, and effectiveness of the OACP. On-Going

Strategy 2: Assess various OACP committees; restate/confirm each committee’s purpose and objective, and reaffirm committee’s status as a standing or ad-hoc committee. Short-Term 2013-2014

Strategy 3: Confirm/appoint committee chairs and members for OACP standing and ad-hoc committees. Short-Term June 15, 2013

1. Bylaws Committee

Strategy: Continue evaluation and restructuring of organizational by-laws. Short-Term 2013-2014

Goal 7 – Develop partnerships and relationships that facilitate opportunities for law enforcement leadership at the local, state, national and international level to enhance Oregon Law Enforcement.

1. Special Olympics

We are a strong supporter of the Special Olympics and continue to support this program both financially and by having Police Chiefs and command staff participate in local Olympic Games. In 2012 the OACP President and other board members were part of the formal ceremonies at the State Summer Games and made a “check presentation” in front of over 1,500 Special Olympic athletes.

2. Scholarships

Each year the Oregon Association Chiefs of Police provides $1,000 scholarships to students enrolled in a Criminal Justice Program at a college, community college or university.

Strategy: Continued support of existing partnerships and the development of new partnerships to facilitate opportunities for OACP and member agencies to participate at the local, state, national and international level to enhance Oregon Law Enforcement. On-Going

2013-2014 Strategies

Increase participation of OACP members in the Oregon Accreditation Alliance by 10%. Short-Term 2013-2014

Develop clear objectives and goals for the Second in Command Committee to ensure effective education and mentoring of future Chiefs of Police. Short-Term 2013-2014

Evaluate progress toward objectives and the next steps for the Super Committee. Short-Term 2013-2014

Assess various OACP committees; restate/confirm each committee’s purpose and objective, and reaffirm committee’s status as a standing or ad-hoc committee. Short-Term 2013-2014

Confirm/appoint committee chairs and members for OACP standing and ad-hoc committees. Short-Term June 15, 2013

Continue evaluation and restructuring of organizational by-laws. Short-Term 2013-2014