OACP Testing Service
The Oregon Association Chiefs of Police Partners with Stanard and Associates to offer validated and effective testing products to assist your agency in navigating hiring and promotion decisions. Click here for a flyer with exam options.
Please note: Prices will increase slightly on June 1. At that time new order forms will be available. Questions? Contact Liz Besand at liz@victorygrp.com.
We offer the following testing/assessment products:
Entry Level Police Office Exams
The National Police Officer Selection Test (POST) tests entry level police officers on four components: arithmetic, reading comprehension, grammar and report writing. The tests have been developed by Stanard & Associates specifically for law enforcement agencies to assess incident report writing skills and predict training and job success. There are alternate forms and self-score versions available to departments and are economical for agencies of all sizes. PCPA also offers exam study guides.
The National Dispatcher Selection Test (NDST) was developed specifically for use by public safety communications/call centers and may be used by any emergency call center, communications center, or dispatching center through which calls for emergency and/or public safety services are received and routed. The test focuses on five components: reading comprehension, listening, problem solving, prioritizing and multi-tasking.
Promotional Testing Services
First and Second Line Police Supervisor Tests help to identify promotional candidates who possess the relevant job knowledge to be successful supervisors and managers. The cost-effective exams assess knowledge in areas such as:
- Management/Supervision
- Major Court Cases
- Community Policing
- Criminal Investigation
- Patrol Tactics
- PA Criminal Law and Vehicle Code
The exams can be easily integrated into the promotional process and measure both first-line supervisor (e.g Corporal, Sergeant) and second-line supervisor (e.g. Lieutenant, Captain). Each exam has 125 questions (multiple-choice and true/false) and candidate study guides are available to provide test takers with a recommended reading list, study tips and sample test questions. An exam administration guide is also available with step-by-step instructions.
The National Detective/Investigator Test (NDIT)
The National Detective/Investigator Test (NDIT) is similar to The National First & Second Line Supervisor Tests currently offered by the OACP, but is intended for agencies that are looking to promote officers to the rank of Detective or Investigator. The NDIT is a 75-question, content-valid, written promotional exam derived from three textbooks covering the topics of Criminal Investigations, Major Supreme Court Cases and Investigative Interviewing. A study guide will be required for each candidate that will provide a detailed breakdown of the Areas of Measurement (i.e., a listing of the chapters or sections from each book that candidates should study for the exam). Please note: Candidates will still need to obtain the actual textbooks to prepare for the exam. A study period of 30 days or more is suggested. All exams will be scored by Stanard & Associates, Inc. and results will be provided to the authorized point of contact overseeing the promotional process for the agency.
The National Police Officer Selection Test (POST) Form E
Stanard & Associates’ National Police Officer Selection Test (POST) – Form E gives you the remote, online testing option your agency needs to meet today’s recruiting challenges. Whether its working around candidates’ schedules, quickly responding to pandemic-related restrictions, or casting a wider net to recruit regionally or nationally, all your candidates need is a computer and an internet connection. Click here for more information.