Welcome to the Oregon Association Chiefs of Police. We are pleased that you have decided to apply for membership in our association. Please read the following information, click on the application form, enter all required information and click “submit.” Please give us a call at (800) 784-2867 if you have any questions.
Membership applications must be approved by our Board of Directors. The Board meets four times a year, generally in January, April, June/July, and September. Once you submit your application to the OACP office, the membership committee will review it and forward it to the board for approval at their next scheduled meeting. Make sure you have a current OACP Member in good standing agree to be your sponsor. When applying for Active membership, your sponsor must also be an Active member of the OACP. When applying for Associate membership or Other Associate membership, your sponsor can be either a current Active member or a current Associate member.
The Oregon Association Chiefs of Police has three membership categories: Active, Associate, and Other Associate Members. Please see the descriptions below to determine which category you are eligible for.
The membership application period is now open for the summer quarter. Membership applications will be voted on at the next board meeting in June or July – date TBD.
*Please note that all new applicants are placed in the “Pending” mode until they are approved at the next Board Meeting.