2024 – 2025 Standing Committees

Below are the descriptions of the eight standing committees and one special committee, and the co-chairs for the 2023-24 year. Information for the 2024-2025 committee rosters is being gathered. Current rosters will be posted here as soon as they are completed. For the 2023 – 2024 committee member rosters, click here.

Please note: With the ever-changing legislative landscape and the need to adjust our strategy to remain nimble and effective, we are re-evaluating our legislative engagement strategy and the structure of our approach. As a result, we are not taking legislative committee sign-ups at this time. Once an approach is finalized, we will report back with next steps.


This committee solicits, reviews, and decides on OACP award recipients for both the annual conference and special occasions.

Rick Stokoe – Boardman PD – Co-Chair

Mark Miranda – Newport PD (Retired) – Co-Chair

Conference, Education and Training

This committee is responsible for coordinating all education and training opportunities at the conferences, develops the conference format, identifies/recruits viable conference venues, and coordinates conference responsibilities.

Ryan Eaton – Corvallis PD – Co-Chair

Greg Pickering – Tualatin PD – Co-Chair

Executive Resources

This committee is responsible for developing programs and offering resources through the OACP that assist law enforcement leaders and local government partners. This committee continues to update and manage the Agency Review program and Linebacker program and is tasked with developing other programs to assist agencies.

John Schmerber – Gladstone PD – Co-Chair

Henry Reimann – Forest Grove PD – Co-Chair

Jason Schermerhorn – Cannon Beach PD – Co-Chair


This committee is responsible for recruiting new members and for receiving, reviewing and forwarding applications for membership to the Board. This committee will also review memberships that may come into question by other members of the Association due to actions that would bring discredit to the Association.

Jason Schermerhorn – Cannon Beach – Co-Chair

Matt Workman – Warrenton PD – Co-Chair

Retired Members

This committee is responsible for representing the needs of retired members as they relate to membership in the OACP and for encouraging participation in the Association by retired members. This committee also gathers historical information about the association and presents information to the current association members.

Terry Wright – Tillamook PD (Retired) – Chair

Scholarship – Community Action

This committee oversees the distribution of scholarships for current and prospective college students who are pursuing a career in the criminal justice field, scholarships to the OACP Annual Conference for chiefs of police and for retired members with financial need, and a scholarship for an OACP member to attend the IACP Conference.

Matt Workman – Warrenton PD – Co-Chair

Derek Bowker – Phoenix PD – Co-Chair

Second in Command/LEELI

The purpose of this committee is to evaluate opportunities within the OACP to expand participation and contributions by those aspiring to become a chief of police and/or who are in a position to serve as a second-in-command or acting chief. The committee will further the mentoring and development of future chiefs of police through program development, training and other areas that will help build a generation of well qualified, highly ethical police chiefs. Committee meetings primarily take place during the ELTS and Annual Conference, but additional meetings may be scheduled. Committee work is also conducted by phone and internet, including by email and the OACP Committee Management System.

Jamey McDonald – Tigard PD – Co-Chair

Ryan Eaton – Corvallis PD – Co-Chair

Small Agency

The purpose of this committee is to provide a forum to discuss matters that specifically affect small agencies and to represent those matters to the Association. Small agencies are generally described as agencies of 15 sworn officers or less and serving a population of 5,000 or less. This definition is intended to be inclusive, and not exclusive, of any agency small enough to have unique challenges because of their size and/or geographic location. Committee members may also organize training specific to small agencies. Committee meetings primarily take place during the ELTS and Annual Conference, but additional meetings may be scheduled. Committee work is also conducted by phone and internet, including by email and the OACP Committee Management System.

Ken Rueben – Philomath PD – Co-Chair

Jeff Groth – Cottage Grove PD – Co-Chair

Special Committee

Dress Uniform and Ceremony

This committee reviews and makes recommendations for standardization of dress uniforms and ceremonial duties for chiefs of police and command staff of municipal agencies.
Click here to view Rank Insignia and Braid Recommendations

Updated on 05/02/2024