Second in Command/LEELI
The purpose of this committee is to evaluate opportunities within the OACP to expand participation and contributions by those aspiring to become a chief of police and/or who are in a position to serve as a second-in-command or acting chief. The committee will further the mentoring and development of future chiefs of police through program development, training and other areas that will help build a generation of well qualified, highly ethical police chiefs. Committee meetings primarily take place during the ELTS and Annual Conference, but additional meetings may be scheduled. Committee work is also conducted by phone and internet, including by email and the OACP Committee Management System.
Jamey McDonald – Tigard PD – Co-Chair
Ryan Eaton – Corvallis PD – Co-Chair
Small Agency
The purpose of this committee is to provide a forum to discuss matters that specifically affect small agencies and to represent those matters to the Association. Small agencies are generally described as agencies of 15 sworn officers or less and serving a population of 5,000 or less. This definition is intended to be inclusive, and not exclusive, of any agency small enough to have unique challenges because of their size and/or geographic location. Committee members may also organize training specific to small agencies. Committee meetings primarily take place during the ELTS and Annual Conference, but additional meetings may be scheduled. Committee work is also conducted by phone and internet, including by email and the OACP Committee Management System.
Ken Rueben – Philomath PD – Co-Chair
Jeff Groth – Cottage Grove PD – Co-Chair
Special Committee
Dress Uniform and Ceremony
This committee reviews and makes recommendations for standardization of dress uniforms and ceremonial duties for chiefs of police and command staff of municipal agencies.
Click here to view Rank Insignia and Braid Recommendations