2024 OACP Annual Trade Show
Pendleton Convention Center – Pendleton, OR
Sponsorship Packages
Please see below the various OACP Sponsorship Packages. Our desire is to provide options that meet the needs and budgets of each organization. By partnering with us as a sponsor, you are given more visibility prior to, during, and after the conference.
Platinum Sponsorship $4,000
- 10 Minute Presentation time at Conference
- Booth (or vehicle) placement
- Full-page ad in conference notebook
- Sponsorship poster at one or more of main sessions
- Sponsorship poster in registration area
- Special signage on trade show booth
- Primary sponsor of one of the conference meals/events
- Acknowledgement of sponsorship on OACP’s Members Only Landing Page (with company logo) for one month post-conference
- Acknowledgement of sponsorship at Welcome Breakfast
- 2 Tickets to Annual Awards Banquet
- Company logo on most conference material
- Listing on OACP’s Marketplace
Gold Sponsorship $3,000
- Booth (or vehicle) placement
- Full-page ad in conference notebook
- Sponsorship poster at one or more of main sessions
- Sponsorship poster in registration area
- Special signage on tradeshow booth
- Primary sponsor of one of the conference meals/events
- Acknowledgement of sponsorship on OACP’s Members Only Landing Page (with company logo) for one month post-conference
- Acknowledgement of sponsorship at Welcome Breakfast
- Company logo on most conference material
- Listing on OACP’s Marketplace
Silver Sponsorship $1500
- Booth placement
- Sponsorship poster in registration area
- Half-page ad in conference notebook
- Acknowledgement of sponsorship on OACP’s Members Only Landing Page (without company logo) for one month post-conference
- Acknowledgement of sponsorship at Welcome Breakfast
- Listing on OACP’s Marketplace
Bronze Sponsorship $350
(Does not include the cost of a booth)
- Sponsorship poster in registration area
- Quarter-page ad in conference notebook
- Acknowledgement of sponsorship on OACP’s Members Only Landing Page (without company logo) for one month post-conference
- Acknowledgement of sponsorship at Welcome Breakfast
- Listing on OACP’s Marketplace
Marie Campbell
Association Executive
PO Box 21719 | Keizer, OR 97307
800-784-2867 (toll free) | 503-315-1411 (work)